Services Offered

Find fitness by getting customized plans to suit your daily living. Each service is designed to fit your individual needs and to achieve your personal health, wellness & fitness goals. All services range from in-person and virtual personal training, stretching, written programming, and more. When you're ready, Bulldog Fitness LLC will be here to help you along with your fitness journey.

All Services:

  • 1 Live Personal Training a Week
  • Customized Workout Plan
  • Personal Support
  • Check – Ins (Email)
  • Nutrition Protocol PDF
  • Consultation (each quarter)

1 on 1 Personal Training: 2/week 60min

  • 2 Live Personal Trainings a Week
  • Customized Workout Plan
  • Personal Support
  • Check – Ins (Email)
  • Nutrition Protocol PDF
  • Consultation (each quarter)

Virtual Personal Training

  • (2) Live 30 Min Personal Trainings a Week
  • Customized Workout Plan
  • Personal Support
  • Check – Ins (Email)
  • Nutrition Protocol PDF
  • Consultation (each quarter)

Virtual Personal Training

  • (3) Live 30 Min Personal Trainings a Week
  • Customized Workout Plan
  • Personal Support
  • Check – Ins (Email)
  • Nutrition Protocol PDF
  • Consultation (each quarter)

Online Coaching

  • Customized Workout Plan
  • Program Updates (with visuals)
  • Personal Support
  • Check – Ins (Email)
  • Nutrition Protocol PDF
  • 1 – 30 Min video call / demo
  • Consultation (each quarter)

Small Group Training: 1/week

  • 1 Live Personal Trainings a Week
  • Customized Workout Plans
  • Personal Support
  • Check – Ins (Email)
  • Nutrition Protocol PDF
  • Consultation (each quarter)

Small Group Training: 2/week

  • 1 Live Personal Trainings a Week
  • Customized Workout Plans
  • Personal Support
  • Check – Ins (Email)
  • Nutrition Protocol PDF
  • Consultation (each quarter)

Written Programming Options

(1) Written Program
  • 1-day personal training written program
Weekly Written Programs
  • Up to 7 days worth of written training and protocol
Monthly Programs
  • Up to a month’s worth of training protocol

Full Assessment

Includes: measuring vitals, height, weight, Jackson-Pollock 7-site bodyfat percent, 3 Min step test, OHSA, plank/ push-up assessment, ½ sit-up assessment, stork test

Includes: slow-motion video of gait striking from anterior, lateral, and posterior view, breakdown of movement patterns, balance, posture, proper correction, and exercise protocol

½ or Full Marathon Training

Includes: detailed plan, on site or on call assistance, designed for both in/outdoor training method, also includes gait analysis & OHSA breakdown of proper balance, posture, and exercise protocol

PNF Stretching

  • 1 session = 20 Min
  • 1 session
  • 3 sessions
  • 5 sessions
  • 10 sessions

Home Gym Layout & Design

Customized home gym layout & design by your certified personal trainer to utilize optimal and adequate space for maximum training experience.

Ready to get started?

Your goals are absolutely achieveble. Don’t wait to get started on making that 1st step. Reach out to me today to start getting fit.

Bulldog Fitness LLC Personal Trainer Ben Wanezek